
Zenith City Press’s public research archive contains material gathered from our books and stories written for Zenith City Online magazine (2012–2017). All content is protected by copyright. When quoting content, always use proper citation and attribution. For more extensive use, contact us here to request usage rights.

The Historic Duluth Harbor

Duluth’s Historic Outer Harbor (1856–1886)

Uncle Harvey’s Mausoleum (Gravel Hopper Ruins)

Arrowhead Bridge

Interstate Bridge

Duluth’s Coal Docks

The DM&N Ore Docks (“Duluth Ore Docks”)

Huron Portland Cement Terminal

The Duluth Ship Canal

Why Duluth Dug Its Ship Canal

Digging the Duluth Ship Canal

Duluth Ship Canal Creation Myths
The Legal Battle Over the Ship Canal
Canal Ferry Service Before the Aerial Bridge
Temporary Winter Bridges over the Ship Canal

Rebuilding the Duluth Ship Canal (1896–1902)

Major D. D. Galliard’s Wave Level Tiles
Duluth Ship Canal Tragedies
The Canal’s Neptune Statue

North Pier Lighthouse

South Breakwater Light

Rear Range Light

Duluth’s Aerial Transfer Bridge

1890s Canal Bridge & Tunnel Ideas

The First Aerial Transfer Bridge

The Engineers Behind Duluth’s Aerial Transfer Bridge

The Struggle to Build Duluth’s Aerial Transfer Bridge

Building Duluth’s Aerial Transfer Bridge

How Duluth’s Aerial Transfer Bridge worked
Aerial Transfer Bridge Operators

The Aerial Transfer Bridge’s First Days

Life of the Aerial Transfer Bridge (1905–1929)

Duluth Aerial Transfer Bridge Myths
Barnstorming the Aerial Transfer Bridge

Duluth’s Aerial Lift Bridge

The First Aerial Lift Bridge

The Battle Over Converting the Aerial Bridge

Duluth‘s Transfer Bridge Becomes a Lift Bridge

How Duluth’s Aerial Lift Bridge Works
Aerial Lift Bridge Supervisors & Operators
Renovations to the Aerial Lift Bridge 1931–2000

The Aerial Lift Bridge’s First 75 Years (1930 – 2005)

Barnstorming the Aerial Lift Bridge
Riding the Aerial Bridge’s Lift Span
Aerial Lift Bridge Accidents & Tragedies
Lighting and Painting Duluth’s Aerial Bridge
What So Special About Duluth’s Aerial Bridge?
“Getting Bridged”

Historic Vessels

Tall Ships on Lake Superior (1734–1934)

Steamer America

Historic Harbor Tug Boats

St. Louis River Excursion Boats

Anchor Line Passenger Steamers

Canadian Line Passenger Steamers

Great Lakes Freighters & Ore Boats

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