History Talks & Presentations

CONTACT US to request descriptions of all our talks and a fee schedule.
During the past twenty years Zenith City Press publisher TONY DIERCKINS, author of over a dozen books about historic Duluth and western Lake Superior, has delivered hundreds of talks and presentations—from brief 20-minute luncheon chats to hour-long keynote addresses. During that time he has become known for the fun and fascinating information and the dozens of historic images packed into each presentation. And if you can’t find a topic that suits your event, we can create custom presentations at your request.
Duluth’s Aerial Bridge
Glensheen Historic Estate
Lost Industries of Duluth
Duluth’s Development (1856–1940)
Duluth Becomes a City (1856–1873)
Duluth’s Grand Old Architecture
Oliver Traphagen: Architect
The Duluth Armory
The Gitchi Gammi Club
Early Murders in Duluth
Duluth’s Lost Grand Theaters
The NorShor Theater
Prohibition in the Zenith City
Liquor Laws and the Zenith City
Twin Ports Beer Brewing History
Robber Barons on the Iron Range
Historic Railroads of the Twin Ports
…and more!
CONTACT US to request descriptions of all our talks and a fee schedule.
Arrowhead Estate Planning
ASCE Duluth
Duluth Library Foundation
Duluth Public Library
Duluth Preservation Alliance
Duluth Township Homesteaders
Duluth Women’s Club
Duluth Scottish Rite
Glensheen Historic Estate
Duluth Rotary 25
Gales of November
Gitchi Gammi Club
Harbortown Rotary
Kiwanis Club of Duluth
Lake Superior Maritime Museum
Lake Superior Railroad Museum
Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium
Ordean Foundation
Skyline Rotary
St. Louis River Alliance
South Pier Inn
Twin Ports Festival of History
UMD Katherine A. Martin Library
UMD University for Seniors
Ursa Minor Brewing Co.
…and others
“Tony’s talks at Glensheen are always guaranteed to draw a crowd! Whether it is a public event or special event just for members, he always delivers a fascinating and informative presentation.”
— Dustin Heckman, Executive Director Glensheen Historic Estate
“Dierckins’s customized presentations are very informative and, because of his enthusiasm for the topics he writes about, very much fun.”
— Ken Buehler, Executive Director, Lake Superior Marine Museum
“Tony provides wonderful, well-researched presentations that are enjoyable for all audiences. We always have a full-house when he is speaking.”