April 2, 1881: First election of the Village of Park Point held outside the borders of Park Point

On this day on Minnesota Point in 1881, the new Village of Park Point held its first municipal election after seceding from Duluth on March 7, 1881. Ironically, the first election was held in the Jefferson House—which stood well outside of Park Point north of the canal, near the site of today’s Bellisio’s Restaurant. Those elected included President R. H. Palmer; trustees Henry Kiichli, James S. Pierce, and Captain F. T. Gouin; treasurer Zar D. Scott; recorder J. M. U. Thompson; and justice of peace D. E. Holston. The Duluth Weekly Tribune reported that “the total number of votes polled was 16, and the election passed off as quietly as a maple syrup social.” Kiichli was voted president in 1882, followed by George Jones (1883), B. G. Yocum (1884), John Mears (1885), B. G. Yocum (again, 1886), A. C. Robinson (1887), Henry F. Smith (1888), and Michael Gallagher in 1889, the year before the Village of Park Point joined the City of Duluth as part as a neighborhood in its first ward. Read more about how Duluth became Duluth here.

The Robert E. Jefferson House. (Duluth Public Library)