Zenith City Press

Duluth’s Aerial Bridge

Duluth’s Aerial Bridge

And the Canal It Crosses

by Tony Dierckins

Award-winning Minnesota author and historian Tony Dierckins chronicles the life of Duluth’s famed aerial bridge, from the span’s 1905 construction as an aerial transfer bridge to its 1930 conversion into a vertical lift bridge, including how it works and how it became an icon of the Zenith City of the Unsalted Seas. You’ll also discover the remarkable history of the canal it crosses, including the myth of its creation, the lighthouses that grace its piers, and Duluth’s 35-year struggle to build a bridge to span it. Adapted from Tony Dierckins’s Crossing the Canal, an Illustrated History Duluth’s Aerial Bridge, a finalist for the Minnesota Books Award.

Illustrated with over 125 historic & modern photos, sketches, maps & diagrams.

Hardcover  |  96 Pages  |  125+ Illustrations  |  8.5 x 6 inches | Signed by Author Tony Dierckins

Book Praise

about the author

Zenith City Press publisher Tony Dierckins has written more than two dozen books, many celebrating historic Duluth, Minnesota. Learn more about DIERCKINS HERE.

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