Zenith City Press

Duluth’s Grand Old Architecture

Duluth’s Grand Old Architecture

Buildings, Bridges, Houses, Landmarks 1870–1940

by Tony Dierckins & Maryanne C. Norton

Duluth’s Grand Old Architecture explores the first seventy years of the Zenith City’s rich tradition of creating architectural statements. From the first brick buildings of the early 1870s through the Romanesque monuments of the 1890s and on to the Art Deco delights of the 1930s, readers will discover many of the remarkable structures—some lost, most still standing—where early Duluthians worked, shopped, prayed, played, learned, and lived. Meet the architects behind the buildings, learn about the people and companies who built them, get to know the families that lived in the city’s opulent homes, and trace each edifice’s history as you uncover the city’s storied past.

This big, beautiful book tells the stories of more than 300 existing and lost commercial and government buildings, schools, houses of worship, theaters, homes, bridges, and more.

Hardcover | 336 Pages | 425+ Illustrations | 11.625 x 9.25 inches | Signed by Author Tony Dierckins

Praise for Duluth’s Grand Old Architecture

about the authors

Maryanne C. Norton (1933–2018) worked as a librarian and archivist for the Marathon County Historical Society in Wausau, Wisconsin, before moving to Duluth in 1987. She served as the assistant director of the St. Louis County Historical Society, coauthored the books Images of America: Duluth, Minnesota and Lost Duluth, and received the Duluth Depot Foundation’s Historic Preservation and Interpretation Award.

Learn more about author and Zenith City Press publisher TONY DIERCKINS HERE.

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