Glensheen: The Offical Guide

The Official Guide to Duluth’s Historic Congdon Estate
Photos by Dennis O’Hara | Text by Tony Dierckins
Over 250 modern and historic photographs guide you along a detailed room-by-room tour of the Minnesota’s most famous mansion and a stroll through the estate grounds as you learn the story of the Congdon family and how Chester created the fortune that financed their grand home on Lake Superior’s North Shore. Five percent of the publisher’s sales of this book directly support Glensheen Historic Estate.
Softcover | 160 Pages | 200+ Photographs | 10 x 8 inches | Signed by Author Tony Dierckins
Honors for Glensheen

About the Photographer and Author
Photographer Dennis O’Hara grew up in West Duluth, graduating from Denfeld High School and the University of Minnesota Duluth prior to studying at the New York Institute of Photography. His work in the first edition of this book received the 2017 Northeastern Minnesota Book Award for Art and Photography. His other books include Picture Duluth: Photographs of the Zenith City. His photos can be found at, and you can enjoy a live feed of vessels passing through the Duluth Ship Canal via his
Learn more about author and Zenith City Press publisher TONY DIERCKINS HERE.