Historical Images

CONTACT US and let us know what you are looking for.
Zenith City Press has assembled an archive of thousands of historical photos, sketches, lithographic postcards, maps, and other images related to historic Duluth, Minnesota’s Arrowhead and Iron Range, western Lake Superior, and Superior, Wisconsin. We’ve worked with national and academic archives across the country for over twenty years tracking down historic images for use in our books and those of others. We’ll dig through our archive and those of others to find the image you are after. And if need be, we will also help you obtain permission to use non-public domain images in commercial works.
A. G. Thomson Bed & Breakfast
Bell Bank Duluth
Bent Paddle Brewing
CBS Television Studios
City of Duluth
City of Superior
Duluth Chamber of Commerce
Duluth Experience
Duluth Owl’s Club
Duluth Playhouse
Duluth Trading Post
Enger Lofts Hotel & Marketplace
Friends of the Lakewalk
Happy Sleeper
OMC Smokehouse
Ordean Foundation
Pier B Resort
RE/Max Results
SEK Design Studio
Vista Fleet
…and others
“After [the restoration of] Duluth’s historic Temple Opera Block, Zenith City Press helped us create a pamphlet explaining the building’s history and the renovation. The research, text, and images they provided are priceless!”
— Tim McShane, President, Twin Ports Market, Bell Bank Executive Director Glensheen Historic Estate
“Zenith City produced a detailed and illustrated 150-year history of Albert and Louise Ordean and their ongoing legacy, the Ordean Foundation. Dierckins’s talent for capturing and conveying compelling narratives and including images brought those historic figures and their stories to life. Our board was thrilled with the final product.”
— Don Ness, Executive Director, Ordean Foundation, and former Duluth Mayor
“The written historic building bio of our Taproom produced by Zenith City Press is both fun and informative, striking the perfect balance between engaging storytelling and historical accuracy. One of the standout features of the piece is the inclusion of historic pictures, which added an extra layer of authenticity and brought the story to life.”